My kinsonas x)

My main :3

My fursona!!

My main cyber vers x3

My object sona

My platonic wife’s version is cuter tho :D


I commissioned this :3

Catient, my unpleasant gradient kinsona!!

uses it/its

very cringe and annoying. probs gets shot with guns 24/7 and comes back to life. Basically never dying and annoying :p

Sceneamoroll, my cinnamoroll kinsona!!

uses she/they/it

actually an angel. So she’s half dead half alive sorta? but she’s strong and super powerful and fights evil ppl and other mythical creatures. she just wants to have fun too :3

click here to go back home,,

Pim, my poob kinsona!!

uses same as my irl pronouns

The closest to resembling my actual sona! But with big hints of poob! Also addicted to energy drinks n partying x3

I forget to draw the buck teeth and glasses on my objectsona, but I like to think they’re insecure about those traits and hide them like I do irl lel

I commissioned this art of Sceneamoroll :3

click here to go back home,,

simairy, my airy kinsona

he/it (rarely them)

snow leopard, lynx and lantern mix. hes quiet, ponders a lot and needs the top on it's head to regulate it's temperature. He’s also a therian. And has delusions of grandeur a lot.

alien (platonic wife made it :3)